
Sant Antoni, Barcelona

Casa Bloc

Favela’s locus amoenus

'Designing a home for an specific and special user’

Final model images

'Casa Bloc' is an apartment building which was designed by some GATCPAC members and built around 1936 in the 'San Andrés' district, Barcelona. Its architecture belongs to the racionalist movement and with our class we were lucky enough to get to know more about this historic element of the city, visit an empty apartment to see how they used to live back then and we also got to design its interior spaces for a special user.

My classmate and I chose Bruno as our user, a boy who has Favela as his drag queen alter-ego, and we got to specifically design the apartment for his two personalities.

The project had a very scheduled process, going from interviewing Favela, to lots of investigation and conceptualisation (including the performance of a luminogram) as well as lots of conceptual mock-ups. In the end we concluded with the result that all these images show, giving our user a home adapted to each and every one of his needs and personalities and therefore creating his every day 'locus amoenus'.

Conceptual process

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